
Monday, June 30, 2014

The Single Twenty-Something

First of all, I'm sorry I dropped off the face of the planet. I think I got sick of writing too much and felt like my posts were pointless. I'm still on track with not eating out and it's going great, but today I wanted to switch gears a bit.

I keep reading these posts that say things like '13 Things Non-Parents Should Never Say to Parents' and this morning I thought I should begin a series on things that have to do with me. I want to talk about being a single non-parent, because no one talks about us. Or maybe they do and I just don't know it.

All I know is that I spend so much time reading about my friends and their boyfriends, husbands, or kids, while I sit here and go 'where is that for me?' These thoughts fill my mind and while I do think it's okay to be single, or dating... or to just not know what you are exactly, I wanted to do a post about what it's like to be single in a world full of happily (and unhappily) married (or in love) people (when you want to be married and in love one day) and a post about what it's like to be a non-parent in a world full of parents (when you DO want kids).

Today I'm just introducing this. I'm literally winging it as I'm writing, but I wanted you to know what's on the brain at this moment. I'll be 25 in July and as you can imagine most of my friends are engaged or married and have kids. I AM fortunate to have quite a few who are single as well--and I try to make sure they know but I'm not quite sure they know just how much they mean to me. I couldn't survive without friends who are in my same situation.

Being single at 25, while sometimes it doesn't feel normal, IS normal. I'm not trying to pick on anyone here but I know a few people who are already divorced and I'm sure in the next 5 years more of those people who got married in their late teens or early 20s will be divorced as well.

I'm not trying to have such little hope but it is a trend I've been seeing and I guess part of it makes me so happy. Happy that I got out of the 3 year relationship from hell that I was in--the relationship that would have likely resulted in marriage if I hadn't been strong enough to go. That's what he said, anyway... that he had bought a ring. I don't know if it's true, but even if it was--I was out of there. It was a freeing feeling and it still is--knowing I didn't settle. The difference between single-me before I started that relationship and single-me now is that I'm not only wanting to be married eventually, it's all about finding the right person. I spent 3 years in a relationship because I wanted a relationship, not because I was in love. I think everyone goes through that--or more go through that then the ones who don't go through it--and I'm glad it's over and done for me. Regardless, the point is this: If I had gotten married; if I hadn't figured out that I deserve better, I would be in a marriage right now that would end in divorce--or maybe I would already be divorced--who knows.

Every 'single' person should know that you do deserve love with someone who loves you. I saw something on Facebook that said 'You need to find someone who loves you more than you love you.' That is such a true statement (but remember, it has to go both ways). I want to love and be loved, and I'll probably find that one day--and it will probably be with the right person because I refuse to settle for the wrong one. For now, I'll just keep posting pictures of a life that I love and stop worrying about what is ahead if I can.